COVID-19 has changed the way that we do things. Many of us are following directions from those that are educated in the subject and as compliance requests have adapted to the level of threat over the last few months, we must change with the times. The most recent attempt to reduce the spread of the virus, Alberta Health Services has a new restriction on gatherings in the Edmonton zone. Santa Maria Goretti Centre will do our best to update our clients on the changes as they happen while supplying alternative options for your event needs.
As for Sunday Pranzo, this weekly event is currently cancelled until the restrictions have been lifted. If you are looking for an extravagant lunch or dinner, we have our special 3 course take out meals available. Click here for details.
This is a very tough time for us and many other businesses as we are feeling the pressure from the lack of foot traffic and income due to this pandemic. As we move past the holiday season and into the new year, we encourage that you spend your hard earned dollars where it counts and support local businesses and initiatives.
Thank you for your understanding, patience and support during this time.
Hang In There. Image created by Ayşegül Altınel. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives – help stop the spread of COVID-19.
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